Title: Two Cities, Two Worlds Fandom: RPFS Pairing: Felicity Huffman/Mariska Hargitay Rating: PG-13 Summary: What happens after you meet someone new. Notes: Inspired by this photo from the 2005 Golden Globe Awards
Title: foreign bodies Pairing: Olivia Benson/Mariska Hargitay Rating: The creepy side of PG-13? Words: 731 A/N: a) It goes without saying that I'm evil. Stop encouraging me projectjulie! b) I'm messing around with first person. Does that make it feel even more wrong? cross-posted: rpfs, svu_rpf, olivia_mariska_
Title: Hand in Hand Words: 961 Pairing: Stephanie March/Mariska Hargitay, Stephanie March/Bobby Flay Rating: A light R, I think Notes: Er ... I'm going to hell? Based around the airing of this Law and Order: Special Victims Unit episode: "Design," 7x02, 09/27/2005.
Author:giantessmess Title: Fairytales Rating: PG-13, maybe. Pairing A combination of Alex Cabot/Mariska Hargitay, Mariska Hargitay/Steph March, Alex/Olivia Words: 984 Feedback: Please tell me if I have or haven't managed to make this work. Disclaimer: I don't own any of these people/characters (whichever is which).